
Fabulous Blogs

Thank you to Southern Gent for the lovely "Your Blog is Fabulous Award!" Southern Gent, your blog is simply fabulous as well! I hope you're getting excited for Derby Day. The rules of this award are to recognize the blogger who bestowed the award and then nominate ten other blogs you admire. I hereby pass along the award to the following fabulous bloggers:


Sandra said...

Oh Thank You, sweet girl!! I am going to enjoy reading your blog on a daily basis!! I will be adding you to blogs that I follow!! xoox

EJR said...

Thanks gorgeous!

Miss Janice said...

You are toooo sweet...I'm gonna go right over to my blog and place this cute award on my sidebar! Thanks:)

DAM said...

You are very welcome. When you are done with school and back in The District we should grab a cocktail at SP or TH or G&T in GP.


The Monogrammed Sailor said...

thank you! i am so excited :)

Little Bow Prep said...

Oh, thank you!

I shall post on it once I return from hiatus :)

jlc said...

Congrats congrats!!

I love all your tags. Guess we have common readers. :)

Lovin' your blog! Hope it's okay if I tag along...