
Last Moments on the Vineyard

A very cute lemonade stand on S. Water street

The Vineyard Sound guys!

I went to their opening concert at the Old Federated church, and I must say they're better than ever this year. You must really try to make it to one of their concerts this summer, it's a good time. They are singing frequently throughout the island every week.

Beautiful Old Federated

mmm Menemsha nearing sunset


Suzanne said...

I love all the Vineyard photos, looks like an amazing trip!

Erin Elizabeth said...

i love that church!! what a great picture.

Kate said...

Love these photos!

K8 said...

Great lemonade stand!

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

I just came across your blog, it is fabulous!

BLC :o said...

I am loooooving the church. Xoxo-BLC

Summer is a Verb said...

Fabulous pictures!

Little Bow Prep said...

They have great style :)

Darling pictures!

KAC said...

LOVE all the vineyard pics....haven't made it out there this summer but I hope to soon!

Ps I left you something on my blog!

College Belle said...

I gave you a blog award :)