In the fall, they will be coming out with dog collars! Perfect for your pooches, be they grande or petite. I can't wait to see how they look on my white two Bichons, Daisy & Chloe.
A forum for sharing together in the best life has to offer, for anyone who has an eye for design, wants to live a little more green, loves pink and green and lilly pulitzer, makes lemonade out of lemons, life in full color, summers in new england, and fun in nations capital.
LOVE tucker blair! has anyone gotten flip flops yet? i'm jonesing for a pair...
I'm definitely a fan of Tucker Blair :)
I hav never owned and but boy they sure have some cute stuff!
You are such a sweetheart! Thanks for offering to pick up something, but just enjoy the LP sale and report back with all the fabulous findings. Xoxo-BLC
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